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ラ・ヴィエルジュの各シリーズのワイン名には、宇宙、哲学、思想、ラテン芸術などからとった名前が採用されており、このワインは、「The Affair」という男女の関係に使われることの多い言葉ではありますが、ラ・ヴィエルジェとしては、
1.秘密や謎めいた雰囲気を持ったワイン: 香りと味わいに、謎めいたイメージを持たせたため、深い味わいや複雑な香りを持った、秘密めいたワインとして表現したかった。
品種:ピノノワール100%(クローン:113, 114, 115, 667 and 777)。WO:ウォーカーベイ、ヘメル・アン・アールダ・リッジ。土壌: ボッケベルドの珪藻土頁岩。樹齢:8~10年。ヘメル・エン・アールダ・リッジにあるウォーカーベイのブドウ畑は、大西洋に近接しているのが特徴です。海洋性気候は比較的温暖で、平行する山脈が夏の間、南寄りの海風をこの地域に送り込み、この風は、渓谷に定期的な海霧と曇り空をもたらし、気温をより均一にします。平均温度は19度で、年間降水量は約750mm。
一晩の低温貯蔵の後、選別、除梗し、優しく破砕して発酵槽へ移す。平均3日間のコールド・マセラシオンさせ、ブルゴーニュの酵母を添加。その後、ワインは温度管理されながら完全醗酵させる。果皮を軽くプレスし、厳選したフレンチオーク樽に移し替えて9ヶ月間熟成(うち25%は新樽)。最終的なブレンドは瓶詰めの1ヶ月前に行われ、ワインはリリース前に瓶内でさらに熟成させた。生産本数:2,185ケース X 6本
alc: 13.43 ph: 3.45 rs: 2.10 ta: 6.14
La Vierge,The Affair Pinot Noir 2022
The wine has an expressive dark fruit character, full of plum and black cherries. There is a savoury undertone that gives a complexity to the wine that is complementary to the mineral backbone.
Tasting Notes
The Affair Pinot Noir is a refined style of Pinot Noir showcasing the love affair between the soft, feminine side of Pinot, being the floral notes, hints of spice
and silkiness; and the masculine linear strength of the tannins, hints of oak and brooding dark forest floor aromas.
The Vineyard
Origin: Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge
Soil Type: Planted to Shale of the Bokkeveld Series
Aspect: North West
Trellising System: Vertical Shoot Positioning (Perold)
Age of Vines: 8 – 10 years
Vines per hectare: 5,400 – 6,750
The Pinot Noir was planted on our farm in the new ward of Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge, 10km in proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The climate is “temperate” in style, where the southerly maritime winds blow through the appellations during the summer. These winds in turn bring regular sea mists and overcast conditions to the areas and with it more even temperatures. The average temperature is 19° C and rainfall is approximately 750mm per year.
The Pinot Noir was planted on our farm in the new ward of Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge,
10km in proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. The climate is "temperate” in style where the southerly maritime winds blow through the appellations during the summer. These winds, in turn, bring regular sea mists and overcast conditions to the areas and with it more even temperatures. The average temperature is 19° C and
rainfall is approximately 750mm per year.
Technical details:
After overnight cold storage, they were sorted, destemmed and gently crushed into red ferment tanks. Cold maceration occurred for an average of 3 days after which
the cooling was turned off and the juice was inoculated with a Burgundian yeast
strain. The wine was then fermented under controlled temperatures until dry. The
skins were then lightly pressed and the wine racked into a selection of French O
ak barrels for 9 months of ageing and maturation, 25% of which were new. Final
blending occurred one month prior to bottling and the wine was allowed to develop further in the bottle prior to release.