デ・クラン ”ツウィスト・オブ・フェイト” 2021

デ・クラン ”ツウィスト・オブ・フェイト” 2021
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
alc: 13.00 ph: 3.26 rs:3.40 ta: 5.90
南アフリカで1971年に初めて植樹されたティンタ・バロカと、2004年に初めて植樹されたティンタ・アマネーラで作られたこのワイン。商品名は、ツウィスト・オブ・フェイト Twist of Fate(運命の捻じれ)という意味。現ワイナリーの先代が、シラーを植えたつもりが、後日、DNA検査でティンタ・バロカとわかり、また、同様に、ティンタ・ロリスと思って植えたつもりが、後日、ティンタ・アマネーラということがわかり、どちらもシラーとティンタ・ロリスのワインとして評判が良かったものの、実際には違っていた。後日、「運命の意外な展開(運命のいたずら)として、ブレンドしてみたら、さらに出来栄えが良くなった」というエピソードをもつワイン。
デ・クラン ”ツウィスト・オブ・フェイト” 2021は、洗練されたエレガンスをまとうワインです。厳選された上質なぶどうを使用し、長い時間をかけて醸造しました。その結果、深みのある味わいと豊かな香りが特徴となっています。
このワインを飲めば、特別な瞬間を感じることができるでしょう。さあ、心地よい余韻の中で時間を忘れ、ワインの奥深さに浸ってみてください。デ・クラン ”ツウィスト・オブ・フェイト” 2021が、あなたの人生にワンランク上のエレガンスをもたらすことでしょう。
Gold Wine Award 2017, 2019
Platter 2018 Guide - Hidden Gem
Double Gold Vitis Vinifera 2018
Winemaker’s comments
Colour: Lovely bright cherry red
Sweet strawberries, red cherries and raspberries fill the glass, with complex underlying flavours of spice and cloves.
Quaffable red berries and savoury minerality with the fresh acidity well integrated.
Food pairing
Your next favorite wine for a braai. This fruity yet elegant wine is versatile & will suit for any occasion. As a “twist” enjoy slightly chilled for the perfect summer red wine.
De Krans Wine Cellar is situated along the upper reaches of the picturesque Gamka River Valley near Calitzdorp. The history of the farm dates back to 1890 when the current owners’ great grandfather bought part of the first farm established in Calitzdorp, named Buffelsvallei (“Buffalo valley”) on the edge of the municipal boundary of Calitzdorp.
The first grapes were planted in 1936 mainly for the production of raisins and some sweet wine. In 1964 the present cellar was built and De Krans quickly became well-known for quality ports and Muscat sweet wines, as well as dry table wines.
The current owners and winemakers now take advantage of the unique Calitzdorp terroir to produce great quality Cape Ports and table wines from a whole range of interesting grape varieties.
Tinta Barocca was the first Portuguese grape to find its way to the Klein Karoo in 1973. However, this was never planned as the Nel family wanted to plant Shiraz. The same happened with the Tinta Amarela, which was planted in 2004, thinking it to be Tinta Roriz. These vines, which have found their way to Calitzdorp due to a simple twist of fate, have for years been vital to the success story of Calitzdorp port and dry table wines.
Tinta Barocca and Tinta Amarela were harvested together early in February at a sugar of 23.5° Balling. Bunches were destemmed, crushed and rapidly cooled in an open fermenter. The berries were then left untouched to start natural fermentation. As soon as the fermentation was underway, the free run juice was drained from the open fermenter and cool fermented at 15-18° C in tank. After fermentation, the wine underwent malo-lactic fermentation in tank.
Gold Wine Award 2017, 2019
Platter 2018 Guide - Hidden Gem
Double Gold Vitis Vinifera 2018
alc: 13.00 ph: 3.26 rs:3.40 ta: 5.90
南アフリカで1971年に初めて植樹されたティンタ・バロカと、2004年に初めて植樹されたティンタ・アマネーラで作られたこのワイン。商品名は、ツウィスト・オブ・フェイト Twist of Fate(運命の捻じれ)という意味。現ワイナリーの先代が、シラーを植えたつもりが、後日、DNA検査でティンタ・バロカとわかり、また、同様に、ティンタ・ロリスと思って植えたつもりが、後日、ティンタ・アマネーラということがわかり、どちらもシラーとティンタ・ロリスのワインとして評判が良かったものの、実際には違っていた。後日、「運命の意外な展開(運命のいたずら)として、ブレンドしてみたら、さらに出来栄えが良くなった」というエピソードをもつワイン。
デ・クラン ”ツウィスト・オブ・フェイト” 2021は、洗練されたエレガンスをまとうワインです。厳選された上質なぶどうを使用し、長い時間をかけて醸造しました。その結果、深みのある味わいと豊かな香りが特徴となっています。
このワインを飲めば、特別な瞬間を感じることができるでしょう。さあ、心地よい余韻の中で時間を忘れ、ワインの奥深さに浸ってみてください。デ・クラン ”ツウィスト・オブ・フェイト” 2021が、あなたの人生にワンランク上のエレガンスをもたらすことでしょう。
Gold Wine Award 2017, 2019
Platter 2018 Guide - Hidden Gem
Double Gold Vitis Vinifera 2018
Winemaker’s comments
Colour: Lovely bright cherry red
Sweet strawberries, red cherries and raspberries fill the glass, with complex underlying flavours of spice and cloves.
Quaffable red berries and savoury minerality with the fresh acidity well integrated.
Food pairing
Your next favorite wine for a braai. This fruity yet elegant wine is versatile & will suit for any occasion. As a “twist” enjoy slightly chilled for the perfect summer red wine.
De Krans Wine Cellar is situated along the upper reaches of the picturesque Gamka River Valley near Calitzdorp. The history of the farm dates back to 1890 when the current owners’ great grandfather bought part of the first farm established in Calitzdorp, named Buffelsvallei (“Buffalo valley”) on the edge of the municipal boundary of Calitzdorp.
The first grapes were planted in 1936 mainly for the production of raisins and some sweet wine. In 1964 the present cellar was built and De Krans quickly became well-known for quality ports and Muscat sweet wines, as well as dry table wines.
The current owners and winemakers now take advantage of the unique Calitzdorp terroir to produce great quality Cape Ports and table wines from a whole range of interesting grape varieties.
Tinta Barocca was the first Portuguese grape to find its way to the Klein Karoo in 1973. However, this was never planned as the Nel family wanted to plant Shiraz. The same happened with the Tinta Amarela, which was planted in 2004, thinking it to be Tinta Roriz. These vines, which have found their way to Calitzdorp due to a simple twist of fate, have for years been vital to the success story of Calitzdorp port and dry table wines.
Tinta Barocca and Tinta Amarela were harvested together early in February at a sugar of 23.5° Balling. Bunches were destemmed, crushed and rapidly cooled in an open fermenter. The berries were then left untouched to start natural fermentation. As soon as the fermentation was underway, the free run juice was drained from the open fermenter and cool fermented at 15-18° C in tank. After fermentation, the wine underwent malo-lactic fermentation in tank.
Gold Wine Award 2017, 2019
Platter 2018 Guide - Hidden Gem
Double Gold Vitis Vinifera 2018